Monday - 211220
Strength: Weighted Jacksons 10-8-6-6-6 Metcon: 5 Rounds for time: Run 400m 30 DB Snatches (#22.5/15) 30 Walking Lunges steps
Strength: Weighted Jacksons 10-8-6-6-6 Metcon: 5 Rounds for time: Run 400m 30 DB Snatches (#22.5/15) 30 Walking Lunges steps
Strength: 3 Sets: 10/10 Single-leg Romanian Deadlifts *Rest 1:30 Metcon: For time: 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 Hang Clusters (#22.5/15, x1) 20 Mountain Climbers 15 Situps
Strength: 5 Sets: 10 Weighted Good Mornings 20 Hollow Rocks Rest 1min Metcon: 2 Rounds for time: 75 Air Squats 52 KB Swings (#24/16) 30 KB Push-Press *EMOM - 3 Rollup-Burpees
Metcon: 10 Rounds for time: Run 200m 20 KB SDHP (#24/16) Run 200m 20 Pushups
Strength: Strict HSPU/Pike Pushups Start from 5 reps and EMOM add 1rep until failure (5-6-7...) Metcon: 5 Rounds for max reps: 1min DB/Plate Clusters 1min Situps 1min Burpees over DB/Plate 1min Rollups 1min Rest
Strength: Single-arm KB Push Press 8-6-6-6-4 (each arm) Metcon: AMRAP in 20min of the ladder: 5-10-15-20.. KB Swings (#24/16) 10-20-30-40.. Double Unders 15 Goblet Squats
Metcon: AMRAP in 40min of: 5 Pike Pushups 10 Jumping Lunges 15 Situps 50 Double Unders 15 Hollow Rocks 10 Jump Squats 5 Pushup-Burpees
Core Strength: 5 Sets: 10sec Hollow Hold 10 X-Ups 10sec Hollow Hold 10 V-ups 10 sec Hollow Hold *Rest 1:00 Metcon: 2 Rounds for time: 120 Jumping Jacks 30 Weighted Step-ups (#24/16) 30 Pushups Run 400m 30 KB Swings 30 Single arm Bent-over Rows (15/15) 120 Mountain
Strength: Bent-over Rows 10-8-8-6-6-6 (each arm) 45sec Plank after each set Metcon: 5 Rounds for time: 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders 7/7 KB Hang Clean and Jerks (#24/16) 14 Burpees over KB
Metcon: For time: Run 1000m Then: 16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Devil-Press (#22.5/15, 1) Weighted Step-ups Then: Run 1000m 75 Hollow Rocks
Metcon: AMRAP in 36min of: 30 Situps 24 KB Overhead Reversed Lunges 18 KB Single-arm SDHP (#24/16) 12 Back extensions 6 Tuck Burpees
Strength: Weighted Jacksons (weight on knees) 15-10-10-5 *Rest 2:00 Metcon: 2 Rounds for time: 50 KB Swings (#24/16) 50 Pistols 50 Burpee step-ups (weighted) 50 V-Ups
Strength: 6 Sets: 6/6 Bulgarian Split Squats 12/12 Single-arm Bent-over Rows *Rest 2:00 Metcon: 5 Rounds for max reps: AMRAP in 3min: 12 DB Deadlifts (#22.5/15, x1) 10 DB Hang Squat Cleans 8 DB Hang Power Clean and Press *Rest 1min between amraps.
Core Strength: 5 Sets: 20sec Hollow hold 20 Tuck-ups 20sec Side Plank (left) 20sec Side Plank (right) Rest 1:30 Metcon: For time: 20 Devil-Press (#22.5/15) 35 Pike Pushups 50 Single-leg DB Deadlifts 35 Pike Pushups 20 DB Hang Squat Cleans
Strength: Weighted Cossac Squats 8-8-8-8-8 (each side) 20sec Hollow Hold after each set Metcon: AMRAP in 20min of: 8/8 DB Power Cleans (#22.5/15) 35 Double Unders 8/8 DB S2OH 35 Double Unders
Metcon: Ogi's Birthday WOD For time (45min timecap): 1000m run Then 6 Rounds of: 12 KB deadlifts (#24/16) 9 Russian KB Swings 6 American KB Swings 800m run Then 4 Rounds of: 12 Goblet Squat 9/9 Thrusters 6/6 Push Press 600m run Then 6 Rounds