Friday - 220121
Strength: EMOM for 12min: Even: 10/10 Single-leg Deadlifts Odd: 10/10 Single-arm Strict Press Metcon: AMRAP in 16min: 3 Wall Climbs 6 Devil Press 9 Hand-Release Pushups 12 Hollow Rocks
Strength: EMOM for 12min: Even: 10/10 Single-leg Deadlifts Odd: 10/10 Single-arm Strict Press Metcon: AMRAP in 16min: 3 Wall Climbs 6 Devil Press 9 Hand-Release Pushups 12 Hollow Rocks
Strength: E2.5MOM for 15min: 5/5 Weighted Step-ups (AHAP) 30sec Handstand hold Metcon: 8 Rounds for time: 36 Mountain Climbers 12 Hang Squat Cleans 8 Jacksons
Metcon: For time: 300 Double Unders 200 Situps 100 DB/KB Snatches 75 Goblet Squats 50 Burpees over db/kb 25 Strict HSPU
Strength: Weighted Good Mornings 8-8-8-8-8 Metcon: For time: 30 Jumping Lunges 50 Pushups 30 Jumping Lunges 50 Push-Press 30 Jumping Lunges 50 Swings
Core Strength: 4 Sets: 16 Superman Rocks 8/8 DB/KB Windmills 16 Hollow Rocks *Rest 1:30 Metcon: For time: 100 DB/KB Hang Clean and Jerks *EMOM - 8 Goblet Squats
Strength: 5 Sets: 6/6 Tempo Z-Press @4242 *Rest 2:00 Metcon: For time: 50 Squat Cleans 15 Burpees over object 40 Squat Cleans 15 Burpees over object 30 Squat Cleans 15 Burpees over object 20 Squat Cleans 15 Burpees over object 10 Squat Cleans 15 Burpees over object
Strength: 4 Sets: 10/10 Single-leg Glute Bridges (weighted) 30 Hollow Body Flutter Kicks Metcon: 12 Rounds for time: 4 HSPU 8 Deadlifts 12 Bent-over Rows 24 Double Unders
Strength: 5 Sets: 10 Weighted Good Mornings 20 Hollow Rocks 30sec Side Plank (15/15) Metcon: AMRAP in 20min of: 20 Mountain Climbers 20 Pike Pushups 20 Mountain Climbers 30 Situps 20 Mountain Climbers 40 Air-Squats
Strength: Tempo Cossack Squats (weighted) 12-12-12-12-12 (6/6) @3332 tempo *rest as needed and work as heavy as possible Metcon: 7 Rounds for time: 20 Russian Twists 10 Devil-Press 20 G2OH 10 Rollups
Strength: 5 Sets: 7/7 Single-arm Arnold Press 10 Weighted Jacksons Metcon: For time: 100 Air Squats 85 Russian Swings 70 Deadlifts 55 Push-Press 40 Burpees
Strength: Weighted Diamond Pushups 6-6-6-6-6 *20 Commando Planks after each set Metcon: 7 Rounds for time: 14 Single-arm SDHP (7/7) 14 Jump Squats 14 Shoulder taps *EMOM - 4 Burpees
Strength: 4 Sets: 8/8 Single-leg Romanian Deadlifts 15-30sec HS/Pike Hold Metcon: AMRAP in 15min of the ladder: 1-2-3-4-5-6... HRPU DB/KB G2OH Burpees over KB/DB
Core Strength: Accumulate 3min in Hollow Hold *for every break do: 10 Weighted Good Mornings 10 X-Ups Metcon: For time: 25 Double Unders 50 Pistols 25 Double Unders 50 DB/KB Hang Squat Cleans 25 Double Unders 50 DB/KB S2OH 25 Double Unders 50 Weighted Step-ups 25 Double Unders
Strength: Weighted Pushups (backpack) 10-10-8-8-6-6 *go heavy and rest as needed Metcon: For time: 100 Single-arm Power Clean and Jerks (50 each) *EMOM - 4 Inch Worms (starting at 00:00)
Strength: 5 Sets: 8/8 Bulgarian Split Squats (weighted) 1min Plank Metcon: For reps: AMRAP in 10min of: 10 Pushups 20 Commando Planks 10 Jacksons Into: AMRAP in 10min of: 10 V-Ups 20 Mountain Climbers 10 Back extensions
Metcon: EMOM for 36min: 1: 15 Jacksons 2: 30 Situps 3: 20 Goblet Squats 4: 30 Russian Swings 5: 15 Burpees 6: Rest