Friday - 280521
Strength: Pause Deadlifts 5-5-5 *pause for 3sec below the knees before completing each rep Metcon: For time: Run 800m 30 Squat Cleans (#70/45) Row 1000/800m 30 C2B Pullups Skills: 1. HSPU (Strict/Kipping) 2. Pistol Squats
Strength: Pause Deadlifts 5-5-5 *pause for 3sec below the knees before completing each rep Metcon: For time: Run 800m 30 Squat Cleans (#70/45) Row 1000/800m 30 C2B Pullups Skills: 1. HSPU (Strict/Kipping) 2. Pistol Squats
Strength: Weighted Pullups 5-5-4-4-3-3 Metcon: 5 Rounds for time: 50 Double Unders 12 Double DB/KB Clean and Jerks (#22.5/15,x2) Endurance: 4 Rounds for time: Run 400m 30 Burpee Box Jump Overs 30 Jump Squats Run 400m 30 Plate Russian Twists (#20/15) 30 Plate Deadlifts
Strength: 15min - build for a heavy load of: 3 Front Squats *pause for 3sec at the bottom of the first rep Metcon: AMRAP in 16min of: 9 Thrusters (#50/35) 6 Burpees over the bar 3 Ring Muscle-ups Endurance: For time: Run 200m 100 Double Unders 80 DB Snatches
Strength: 12min build to an RM3 Overhead Squat Metcon: 2 Rounds for max reps: 1:30 work / :30 rest 1. Assault Bike (cal) 2. Toes-to-bar 3. Double DB Hang Power Cleans (#22.5/15,x2) 4. DB Burpees 5. HSPU Endurance: For time: Run 1600m 50 Burpee broad jumps (1meter)
Strength: Snatch 20min build for an RM1 or practice technique under light load Metcon: For time: 50-40-30-20-10 Kettlebell Swings (#24/16) Situps Run 200m Endurance: 10 Rounds for time: 5 Burpee Box Jumps 15 Plate G2OH (#20/10) 30/24 Cal Row (or 21/16 Bike) 50 Double Unders
Strength: 5 Sets: 3-pos Power Cleans (high hang, hang, floor) rest 2:00 between Metcon: AMRAP in 15min of: 3 Power Cleans (#80/50) 9 Pullups 15 Wallballs (#10/6) Mobility: Lower Body Weightlifting: -Overhead squat with 4 pauses (5sec) (50%) 1×3 (60%) 1×5 -Snatch with pause below
Core Strength: 4 Sets: 5 Dragon flags 15 Hollow Rocks 60m Double KB Front Rack Carry (4x15m, AHAP) Metcon: "Betty" 5 Rounds for time: 12 Push-Press (#61/43) 20 Box Jumps Competitors: A) For time: 60 Double Unders 15\10 Strict HSPU 30 Deadlifts (#100\70kg) 45 Lateral
Strength: Split Jerk 2-2-2-2-2 *pause for 3sec at the recieving position Metcon: 10 Rounds for time: 8 Squat Cleans (#43/30) Run 200m Skills: 1. Double Unders 2. Kipping/Butterfly Pullups (requirment: 5 strict pullups)
Strength: Bulgarian Split Squat 7-7-5-5-5 (each leg) Metcon: In Pairs for time: 300 Double Unders 200 Pushups 80 Hang Power Cleans (#60/40) 40 Sandbag over shoulder (#75/45) *one partner works while the other holds plate overhead (#20/15) *switch as needed Endurance: For max reps: 5min Row (cal)
Strength: 5 Sets: 6 Elevated Ring Rows (weighted if possible) 20sec Sandbag Bear-hug hold Rest 2:00 Metcon: AMRAP in 8min: 8 DB Overhead Reversed Lunges (#22.5/15,x1) 18 DB Situps AMRAP in 6min: 6 Devil-Press (#22.5/15,x1) 18 Air-Squats AMRAP in 4min: 4 Bar Muscle-ups
Strength: 15min build up to RM3 Dips (bars or boxes) Metcon: AMRAP in 12min of the ladder: 3-6-9-12... Power Snatch (#50/35) Toes-to-bar Endurance: AMRAP in 32min of: 20 Cal Row 10 Devil-Press (#15/10,x1) 14 Cal Bike 20 DB Thrusters (#15/10,x1)
Strength: E2MOM for 12min (6sets): 5 Weighted Deficit Pushups 15 Hollow Rocks Metcon: For time: 50 Situps 50 Double Unders 40 KB Swings (#32/24) 50 Double Unders 30 Strict Pullups 50 Double Unders 20 Hang Squat Cleans (#60/40) 50 Double Unders 10 Wall Walks 50 Double Unders Endurance:
Strength: Single-leg Romanian Deadlifts (barbell) 12-12-12-12 (6/6) *20sec L-Sit after each set Metcon: 3 Rounds for time: 30 Wallballs (#10/6) 15 DB Box Step-overs (#22.5/15,x2) 30 Pushups
Strength: Box Front Squats 5-5-3-3-3 Metcon: AMRAP in 16min of: 6 Power Cleans (#80/50) 12 Burpees over the bar 2 Rope Climbs Competitors: A+B: On a 15:00 Minute Clock For time: 21-15-9: Barbell Thrusters (#43/30) Burpee Over Rower *If not completed within 12 minutes, continue to
Strength: Tempo Overhead Squats 3-3-3-3-3 @5330 Metcon: 6 Rounds for time: 12 DB Deadlifts (#22.5/15,x2) 24 Cal Row (or 17 Cal Bike) 8 HSPU Skills: 1. Strict Ring Muscle-up (requirment: 5 strict c2b pullups) 2. Rope Climb
Skill: 15min Handstands practice and progressions (hold/walk/balance) Metcon: For time: 10 Power Cleans (#70/45) 10 Toes-to-bar 10 Thrusters (#70/45) 10 Box Jump Overs 10 Burpee Ring Muscle-ups 10 Box Jump Overs 10 Thrusters 10 Toes-to-bar 10 Power Cleans Endurance: 10 Rounds for time: 10 Man-Makers (#15/