Thursday - 100518

Handstands - spend time upside down (hold/walk/practice). 12min work
3 Rounds for time:
Run 800m
50 Reverse Lunges
21 S2OH (#43/30)
Handstands - spend time upside down (hold/walk/practice). 12min work
3 Rounds for time:
Run 800m
50 Reverse Lunges
21 S2OH (#43/30)
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: Strict Press 3-3-3-3-3 Metcon: E4MOM for 20 min: 20 Box Jump overs 15 Shoulder to overhead (#50/35) *Max Toes to bar till 3:45 *your score-total Toes to bar CrossFit Strength: Part A: Push Jerk 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 Part B: 3-4 Sets: 8/8 Z-Press With
CrossFit W.O.D: Metcon: OPEN-25.3: For time: 5 wall walks 50-calorie row 5 wall walks 25 deadlifts (#102/70) 5 wall walks 25 cleans (#61/38) 5 wall walks 25 snatches (#43/29) 5 wall walks 50-calorie row Time cap: 20 minutes
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: Bulgarian Split Squat 6-6-4-4-4 Metcon: IN TEAMS OF 2: 2 Rounds for time: 400m Run with ball(#10/6) 100 Push-ups 75 Wallballs (#10/6) 50 Cest-to-bar 25 Burpees Box Jump Weightlifting: Part 1: 6-7 sets: 2 Muscle Snatch 50-60% Part 2: Snatch Deadlift Snatch
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: Push Jerk 15min Build up to RM2 Metcon: 16min AMRAP of: 400m Run 10 Front Squat (70/45) 20 Handstand push-ups Endurance: 10 Rounds for time: 250/200 m row // 15/12 cal bike 20 DBs Thruster (15/10,x2) 10 Pull-ups