Monday - 121222

Monday - 121222

Split Jerk
16min build up to an RM1 (from the rack)
OR Practice technique under light load

AMRAP in 20min of:
16 Russian KB Swings (#32/24)
8 Toes-to-bar
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs

4 Rounds for time:
50 Medball Situps (#10/6)
Run 400m w/Medball
50 Wallballs
Run 400m w/Medball
50 Medball Cleans

‏Skill- Butterfly Pull Up/ C2B

‏Strength-20 Min Emom:
‏Min 1- 3 Arch Pull/ 9 False Grip Ring Row
‏Min 2- 20-30Sec Box L-Hold
‏Min 3- Max Chin Ups
‏Min 4- 8/8 Bottoms Up KB Press
‏Min 5- Rest.