Friday - 020623

Friday - 020623

CrossFit WOD:
15min build to a heavy load or practice technique for the complex:
Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch (1+1)

AMRAP in 15min of:
3 Hang Power Snatch (#60/40)
8 Toes-to-bar
20/15 Cal Row
32 Double Unders

‏Box muscle jumps/low bar turnovers
Plate explosive tuck ups
‏Strict Ring Dips
‏Strict Pull ups

‏Cash out:
‏Hollow glide
‏Hollow glide+arch
‏Hollow glide+arch+ttb
‏Hollow glide+arch+Ttb+Hip pop
‏45 sec 2db front rack hold 16/24
‏20 shoulder taps
‏20 gorilla rows

Part 1:
6-7 sets:
2 Snatch Balance
*From rack

Part 2:
Snatch Pull
Squat Snatch
5 x 1+1 65-75%
2 x 0+1 80%

Part 3:
Hang Squat Clean
Squat Clean
3 x 1+1+2 60% (light weight)
3 x 1+1+1 65-75%
3 x 0+1+1 80%

Part 4:
Jerk Balance
5x3 40-50%