Wednesday - 090322
E2MOM for 10min (5sets):
20 Double Unders + 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean
5 Rounds for time:
6 Hang Squat Cleans (#60/40)
Run 200m
16 Hang DB Snatch (#22.5/15,x1)
Run 200m
In Pairs for time:
Run 400m
100 Plate G2OH (#20/15)
Run 400m
100 Burpees over partner (in plank)
Run 400m
100 Box Jump Overs
Run 400m
100 Jumping Lunges
Run 400m
100 Dual KB Russian Swings (#16/12,x2)
Run 400m
*Do the runs together. For the rest - one works while the other holds in a plank