Wednesday - 011123

CrossFit WOD:
5 Sets for load:
7 Barbell Good Mornings
30m Dual KB Front Rack Carry (AHAP)
Rest 1:30-2:00
5 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
20 DB Overhead Walking Lunges steps (#22.5/15,x1)
Main part:
3 total sets of 1:00min work/1:00min rest
- False grip pull ups
- Ring tap swings, Ring tap swings+hip, Ring tap swings+hip+row
- Eccentric RMU
- Alt. pistols work
Cash out:
2-3 sets
-20 sec hollow
-20 sec arch
-15-20 sec ring support
-15-20 sec bottom of the dip hold
-3-7 banded ring dips