Wednesday - 010622
12min build to a heavy 5-rep touch and go Hang Power Snatch
4 Rounds for max reps:
4min Cap:
10 DB Thrusters (#22.5/15,x2)
10 Burpee Box Jumps
AMRAP Knees-to-elbows on remaining time
*Rest 1min between rounds
Skill- False Grip Ring Row/ Pull Up
Strength- 20 min EMOM:
Min 1- 3 Arch Pull/ 6 False Grip Ring Row
Min 2- Max Bar/Ring Dips
Min 3- 20-30 Sec Static Chin Up
Min 4- 30 Sec Handstand Hold
Min 5- Rest
AMRAP in 35min:
14 Plate G2OH (#20/15)
14 Burpees
14 V-Ups
*E5MOM - Bike 24/18 Cal