Tuesday - 290322
Paused Front Squats
*Sets 1-4 (2reps) - 3sec Pause
*Sets 5-7 (1rep) - 6sec Pause
For total reps:
5min AMRAP:
Max Toes-to-bar
*EMOM (from 0:00) - 10 DB Deadlifts (#22.5/15,x2)
Rest 2:00 then,
5min AMRAP:
Max Plate Overhead Lunges (#20/15)
*EMOM (from 0:00) - 10 Wallballs (#10/6)
Rest 2:00 then,
5min AMRAP:
Max Pushups
*EMOM (from 0:00) - 30 Double Unders
For time:
400m run
20 Burpee Box Get-overs
40 KB Russian Twists (#16/12)
800m run
25 KB Goblet Thrusters
50 KB Bent Over Rows (25/25)
1200m run
30 Box Jumps
60 Situps
*Then repeat with rower instead of run