Tuesday - 230423

Tuesday - 230423

CrossFit WOD:
“10 Plagues of Panda!”
For time:
1 – Wall Walk
2 – Sandbag Over Shoulder (#75/45)
3 – Burpees
4 – Toes-to-bar
5 – Wallball Shots (#10/6)
6 – Ring Dips
7 – Box Jumps
8 – Pullups
9 – Kettlebell Swings (#32/24)
10 – Ring Muscle-Ups

*After completing the first movement go back to 1 and begin again adding a new movement each round. There are 10 total rounds with one new movement being added each round. In example: Do 1 Wall Walk, then 1 Wall Walk + 2 Sandbags, then 1 Wall Walk + 2 Sandbags + 3 Burpees etc…