Sunday - 190323

15min build up to an RM3 Overhead Squat
3 Rounds for time:
50 Double Unders
25 Pushups
10 Overhead Squats (#60/40)
15min build up to an RM3 Overhead Squat
3 Rounds for time:
50 Double Unders
25 Pushups
10 Overhead Squats (#60/40)
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: Push Jerk 15min Build up to RM2 Metcon: 16min AMRAP of: 400m Run 10 Front Squat (70/45) 20 Handstand push-ups Endurance: 10 Rounds for time: 250/200 m row // 15/12 cal bike 20 DBs Thruster (15/10,x2) 10 Pull-ups
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: E2MOM for 12min 1 Snatch Pull 1 Squat Snatch 1 Overhead Squat Metcon: 6 Rounds for time: 15 Pull-ups 10 Power Cleans (#43/30) 10 Burpees over bar 15 Push press (#43/30) CrossFit Strength: Part A: Romanian Deadlift 18min find heavy 3 rep Part
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: Pause Back Squat 4-3-3-2-2 *2 sec’ Pause at the bottom Metcon: 5 Rounds for time: 20 Db Overhead Lunges (#22.5/15,x1) 15 Sit-ups 4 Bar Muscle-ups Endurance: 3 Rounds: 5min AMRAP of: 10x10 Shuttle run 10 wallballs (#10/6) -1min rest- 5min AMRAP
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: Weighted Pull-ups 4-4-3-2-2 + 30 sec L-sit (box/Kbs/Ring) Metcon: 11min AMRAP of: 1-2-3-4-5… Rope Climb 10-12-14-16… Deadlift (#100/70) Endurance: EMOM For 40min: 1. Box jump over 2)KB sumo deadlift high pull (#16/12) 3)Medball Cleans (#10/6) 4)Medball Sit-ups (#10/