Saturday - 280924
CrossFit WOD:
Back Squat
16min build up to an RM2
AMRAP in 16min of the ladder:
3-6-9-12… +3
Squat Cleans (#43/30)
CrossFit WOD:
Back Squat
16min build up to an RM2
AMRAP in 16min of the ladder:
3-6-9-12… +3
Squat Cleans (#43/30)
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: Weighted Pull-ups 5-5-3-3-1 + 8 Z-Press (just 3 sets) Metcon: 3 Min AMRAP - 1 Min rest x 5 round: 10 Hang Clean & Jerk (#50/35) 15 Jump squat 10 Burpee over bar 15 V-ups
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: Every 2 Min x 6 Sets: 1 Push Press 1 Push Jerk 1 Split Jerk Metcon: For Time: 200 M’ Farmer's Carry (#32/24x2) 50 Med Ball Clean (#10/6) 40 M’ Farmer walking lunge(#32/24x2) 30 Wall Ball(#10/6) 20
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: 12 Min find Heavy Complex: 1 Squat Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean Metcon: 4 Round For Max Reps 2:30 Work-1:30 Rest: 12/9 Cal row/bike 10 Burpee To Target 6 Devil Press (#22.5/15x2) Max H.R.P.U Weughtlifting: Part
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: Every 3 Min x 6 sets: 5/5 Bulgarian Split Squat + 30 Sec’ L-sit Metcon: 12 min AMRAP of: 10 Pull Ups 10 DBs Push Press (#22.5/15x2) 20 Sit Up Endurance: Evrey 4 min x 10 sets: 50 D.U 20 O.H