Saturday - 260823
CrossFit WOD
In 15:00 Build a heavy complex:
2 Power Clean
2 Push Jerk
Amrap 3:00 x 4 Rounds
5 Hang Squat Clean 60/40kg
7 Toes to bar
9 Burpees
rest 1:00 b/w rounds
חוזרים לעבוד מנקודת העצירה
CrossFit WOD
In 15:00 Build a heavy complex:
2 Power Clean
2 Push Jerk
Amrap 3:00 x 4 Rounds
5 Hang Squat Clean 60/40kg
7 Toes to bar
9 Burpees
rest 1:00 b/w rounds
חוזרים לעבוד מנקודת העצירה
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: 12 min find heavy complex: 1 Clean Pull 1 Squat Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean Metcon: 4 Rounds for time: 5 Burpee over bar 10 Hang Power Cleans (#50/35) 5 Burpee over bar 10 Push jerks (#50/35) 5 Burpee over bar 10 Front
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: Push press 5-5-5-3-3-3 Metcon: 5 Min AMRAP of: 50 Double under 15 Dual KB front rack lunges (#24/16) -2 Min Rest- 5 Min AMRAP of: 15 Wallballs (#10/6) 10 Dual KB shoulder to overhead (#24/16) Endurance: 7 Round for time: 15 Devil
CrossFit W.O.D: Strength: E2.5MOM for 15min: Good Morning 8-8-5-5-3-3 + 10-16 Seated legs raises Metcon: For time: 10-9-8-7…1 Overhead Squats (#50/35) Ring Dips
CroosFit W.O.D: Strength: E2MOM for 12 min: Power Snatch 3-3-2-2-1-1 Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP of: 20/15 cal Row // 15/12 cal Bike 15 Chest-to-bar 15 Burpees to target 15 Goblet squats (#24/16) Endurance: 40 Min AMRAP of: 10-20-30-40-50… Medball Cleans(#10/6) Situps Hang DB Squat