5 Sets for load of the complex:
Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Power Clean + Front Squat

3 Rounds for time:
7 Clean and Jerks (#60/43)
14 C2B Pullups
21 Box Jumps

-Barbell box jump

-Military press
Max test

-Split jerk
Technique work

-RM 1 Front squat with 5 sec' pause
Start @60%

A. EMOM for 14min:
Even: 6-8 C2B Pullups
Odd: 6-8 Deficit HSPU

B. For time:
Run 200m
10 Squat Cleans (#60/40)
Run 200m
8 Squat Cleans (#70/45)
Run 200m
6 Squat Cleans (#80/50)
Run 200m
4 Squat Cleans (#90/55)
Run 200m
2 Squat Cleans (#100/60)

C. For time:
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
15 GHD Situps w/Medball (#10/6)