Friday - 260424

Friday - 260424

CrossFit WOD:
Weighted Pullups
15min build up to an RM4

For time:
Row 500/400m
25 DB Power Clean and Jerks (#22.5/15,x2)
50 Box Jump Overs
25 DB Front Squats (#22.5/15,x2)
Row 500/400m

Part 1:
5-6 sets:
2 High Hang squat Clean
2 Push press
40-60 %

Part 2:
Build to heavy rep :
Clean & Jerk
4 x 2+2 60-70%
6 x 1+1 75-90%
4 x 1+1 95-100%

Part 3:
6 sets:
3 OH Squat
70-80% from 1RM Snatch