Friday - 171123
CrossFit WOD:
Paused Deadlifts
*Pause for 2sec at the knees (on the way up and on the way down)
5 Rounds for time:
10 Dual KB Snatch (#24/16,x2)
10-8-6-4-2 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15 Weighted Situps (#20/15 plate)
Part 1:
6-7 sets:
2 High Hang squat snatch
Part 2:
Snatch Pull
Hang Squat Snatch
5 x 2+1 60%
5 x 1+1 70%
3 x 0+1 75-80%
Part 3:
Squat Clean
Front squat
5 x 2+1 65%
5 x 1+1 75-80%
3 x 1+1 85%
Part 4:
Dip & Drive
Split Jerk
4 x 1+2 70%
3 x 0+2 80%