Friday - 150923

CrossFit WOD
Front Squat
Build to heavy 3
15:00 TC
2 Rounds For Time:
60 Sit Ups
50 DB Snatch 22.5/15kg
40 Single DB Box Step Ups
30 Burpees
30:00 TC
Double Unders:
Phase 1
Part 1
15 Toe catch
*try to feel tension on the rope
20sec high SU
20sec fast SU
*hold DU tempo in SU
30sec double taps on plate
*Tap you hips twice mid air (if feels good add clap b/w taps)
Part 2
Practice DU
*Try to keep armpits closed and move from the wrist
Phase 2
20sec Air crossing
*Cross your palms down to your pockets and open
10 Reps cross to toe catch
10 Reps open crosses
Part 2
Practice CrossOvers *Armpits closed , move from pocket to pocket
CrossFit Weightlifting:
Part 1:
5-6 sets:
1 Muscle Snatch
2 Snatch Balance to half
Part 2:
Power Snatch
Hang Power Snatch
4 x 1+2 60%
4 x 1+1 65-70%
4 x 0+1 75-85%
Part 3:
Squat Clean
Hang Squat Clean
Split Jerk
4 x 1+1+2 60-70%
4 x 1+1+1 75-80%
3 x 1+0+1 80-90%
Part 4:
Front squat
EMOM for 6 sets:
5 Front squat 60%