Friday - 120523

CrossFit WOD:
15min build up to an RM1 Weighted C2B Chin-up
AMRAP in 15min of:
Row 400/300m
21 KB Swings (#32/24)
12 Ring Dips
3 Sandbag Over Shoulder (#75/45)
Box muscle ups/low bar turnovers
Hips to bar drill
Strict Dips
Strict Pull ups
Cash out:
Hollow glide
Hollow glide+arch
Hollow glide+arch+ttb
Hollow glide+arch+Ttb+Hip pop
20 sec hollow 20 sec arch
20 v-ups
1 min table top plank
CrossFit Strength:
Part 1:
Push press
5 sets:
Build to heavy set of 2
Part 2:
12 min EMOM, Alt:
1- 10-12 BB Bent over row
2- 8-10 Double DB Cyclist squat
3- 12-16 KTB Plank drag through
Part 3:
For time:
10 Back squat 70%
10 weighted pull ups/ strict pull ups
10 weighted push ups
1 min rest
8 Back squat 75%
8 weighted pull ups/ strict pull ups
8 weighted push ups
1 min rest
6 Back squat 80%
6 weighted pull ups/ strict pull ups
6 weighted push ups
Time cap: 11 min
6-7 sets:
2 Muscle snatch
Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch
3x 2+1 60%
3x 1+1 70%
2x 1+1 75-80%
Power Clean + Squat Clean
3 x 2+1 65-70%
3 x 1+1 75%
2 x 1+1 80%
Push Jerk + Split Jerk (Pause 2 sec at catch pos.)
5x 1+1 70-75%
Front squat
5 x 3 80% (from 1RM Clean)