Friday - 080324

CrossFit WOD:
Bulgarian Split Squat
15min build to a heavy set of 6 reps (3/3)
In Pairs:
5 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
30 Box Jumps
30 Wallballs (#10/6)
*Run together
*For the wallballs and box jumps - One works, one holds in a Plank
*Switch as you like
Part 1:
10 sets:
1 Muscle Snatch
Part 2:
3 Pos. Snatch Deadlift
High Hang squat Snatch
Squat Snatch
5 x 1+1+2 60-65%
5 x 1+1+1 70-75%
5 x 1+0+1 75-80%
Part 3:
Clean Pull
Hang Squat clean
Front squat
6 x 1+1+1+1 65-75%
6 x 1+1+1+1 75-85%
Part 4:
EMOM for 7 sets:
2 Push press
2 Push Jerk
50-60 % from 1RM Jerk