Friday - 070723

CrossFit WOD:
15min build up load for the complex:
Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Front Rack Lunges (1+1+2)
For time:
Bike 30/24 Cal
50 Thrusters (#35/25)
30 Burpees over the bar
10 Wall Walks
Run 400m
Part 1-
6-7 sets:
2 Muscle Snatch
Part 2-
Snatch Deadlift
Below the knee Hang Squat snatch
5 x 1+2 60%
5 x 1+1 70%
3 x 1+1 80-85%
Part 3-
Clean Pull
Squat Clean
5 x 1+2 60%
5 x 1+1 70%
3 x 1+1 80-85%
Part 4-
1 Pausing Jerk - 5 sec pause at the dip
1 Jerk
3 x 70%
3 x 80%
Part 5-
Snatch Pull
5x 3 100%
3x 2 110%