Friday - 061023

Friday - 061023

**CrossFit WOD
Back Rack Lunge
15:00 TC

For Time:
800m Run
50 Sit ups
600m Run
50 DB Snatch 22.5/15kg
400m Run
50 Ring Rows
200m Run
20:00 TC

Specific 2 sets
20 shoulder taps
10 Pike Rock's (Look back and rock back and forth )
5 walk to hollow

Part 1 (3-5 sets)
5 Wall walk / box walk Hollow body + nose & toes touching the wall

Part 2 (3-5 sets)
10 shoulder taps (Pike / box pike / Handstand / freestanding )

Part 3 (2-3 sets)
2-3 walk around the box

Part 4 ( 3 sets )
3-5 steps walk of wall With partner if needed
10m wheelbarrow Only with partners

Part 5
10 minutes running clock
Accumulate max distance on hands

CrossFit Weightlifting:
Part 1:
5 sets:
1 Tempo Snatch Deadlift
1 High Hang Squat Snatch

5 sets:
1 Tempo Snatch Deadlift
1 Hang Squat Snatch

Part 2:
1 Squat Snatch
10 x 85-100%

Part 3:
Clean Pull
Power Clean
Split Jerk
4 x 1+1+2 65-75%
4 x 1+1+1 80-85%
3 x 0+1+1 85-90%

Part 4:
Squat Jump
5 x 7 