Friday - 050124

CrossFit WOD:
E1.5MOM for 13:30min (3sets, alternating):
1: 4-6 Strict False Grip Ring Pullups
2: 4-6 Strict Ring Dips
3: 5-15sec Ring Support L-Sit
Into 4min to attempt “Yoti’s Complex”:
8 Strict Ring Dips
15 sec L-Sit
1 Eccentric Ring Muscle-up
For time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 HSPU
15 Russian KB Swings (#32/24)
Part 1:
5-6 sets:
3 pos. Deadlift
1 Muscle Snatch
Part 2:
From blocks:
Snatch Pull
Power Snatch
7 x 1+1 +1 55-70%
5 x 1+0+1 75-85%
Part 3:
Paused Clean - pause Below the knee
7 x 1+1 60-75%
5 x 0+1 80-85%
Part 4:
Pausing Dip (3 sec Pause)
Split Jerk
6 x 1+2 65-75%
4 x 1+1 75-85%
Part 5:
Stamina squat
10 min EMOM, Alt:
1- 3 Front squat
2- 6 Back squat
70% from 1RM Front squat