Tuesday - 270623

CrossFit WOD:
12min build up to an RM3

4 Rounds for max reps:
4min AMRAP:
4 Hang Power Cleans (#60/40)
4 Ring Dips
4 Front Squats (#60/40)
4 Burpees over the bar
*Rest 1min between amraps

AMRAP in 35min of:
30 Wallballs (#10/6)
15m Burpee Broad Jumps
30 KB SDHP (#24/16)
15m Burpee Broad Jumps
30 Cal Bike
15m Burpee Broad Jumps

CrossFit Strength:
Part 1- 12 min
12 min EMOM, Alt:
min 1- 2 Strict Press +2 Push press
min 2- 7 Pendlay Row

Part 2- 8 min
3 sets:
10 Pike push ups
10 BB Cyclist squat (back rack)

Part 3- Heavy Metcon (8 min)
4 Rounds: (Alternate)
1:30 min work, 30 sec rest
Set 1-
8 Strict chin ups
4 wall walk
Max Front squat in the remaining time 60/40 kg
Set 2-
8 Strict Chin ups
8 Ring Dips
Max Front squat in the remaining time 60/40 kg