Tuesday - 110723

CrossFit WOD:
15min build up load for the complex:
1 Paused Power Clean (3sec pause under the knee)
1 Power Clean
2 Front Squats

AMRAP in 15min of:
20 Air-Squats
4 Hang Clean and Jerks (#70/45)
20 Situps
8 C2B Pullups

12 Rounds for time:
9 Box Jump Overs
15 KB SDHP (#16/12)
21 Abmat Situps
27 Double Unders

CrossFit Strength:
Part 1: 12 min
12 min EMOM, Alt:
min 1- 3 Press 75-80% from 1RM
min 2- 12 Gorilla Row
min 3- 5 weighted push ups

Part 2- 8 min
E1.5MOM for 5 sets:
3/3 Single arm DB Strict Press
*Build to heavy set of 3 reps!!!

Part 3- Heavy Metcon
push press
Front squat
wall walk
RX- 60/40 kg

Time cap: 9 min