Tuesday - 040723

CrossFit WOD:
Weighted Pushups
15min build up to an RM3

For time:
Run 800m
50 Thrusters (#20/15)
25 Burpee Box Jump Overs
12 Bar Muscle-ups

7 Rounds for time:
14 Plate Thrusters (#20/15)
14 Burpees
14 Medball Cleans (#10/6)
14 Ring Rows
14 Plate Russian Situps (#20/15)

CrossFit Strength:
Part 1- 20 min
In 20 min:
Build to Heavy set of 3 reps

Part 2- Heavy Metcon
For time:
100 m Farmer carry
30 Double DB Box step up over
30 Renegade Row
30 Double DB Box step up over
100 m Farmer carry
Time cap: 11 min

Part 3-
3 sets:
30 sec Max Strict pull ups (no weight)
30 sec Max Hollow rocks
30 sec rest