Tuesday - 010823

CrossFit WOD


Back Squat
Every 3:00 x 15:00
5 reps - hold 2 sec at the bottom of each rep, Build to a heavy set of 5

Amrap 12
200m run
21 Front Squats 45/30kg
15 HSPU /15 HR Push ups
9 TTB / Vups

Endurance Metcon
Amrap 30:00
25 Double unders / 50 singles
30 Russian KTB Swings 24/16kg
25 Double unders /50 singles
30 Sit ups
25 Double unders / 50 singles
30 Goblet lunges 24/16kg

CrossFit Strength:

Every 1:00 x 9:00

  1. 10/10 DB/KTB single arm Bent over Row
  2. Front rack bar Reverse lunges
  3. 10-20 V-ups

Back Squat
Every 3:00 x 15:00
5 reps each set Build to heavy
2sec Pause at bottom of each rep

Heavy Metcon
5 Rounds
5-4-3-2-1 Sandbag over the shoulder - build up the weight
75 Double unders /  120 singles / 1:00 tops
*add weight B/w Rounds
TC 10:00