Thursday - 080623

CrossFit WOD:
15min build up to an RM3 Back Squat

For time:
30 Toes-to-bar
42-30-18 Wallballs (#10/6)
200m Run w/medball after each set
30 Toes-to-bar

In Pairs for time:
100 Cal Bike
80 Wallballs (#10/6)
60 DB Lunges (#15/8,x2)
40 DB Thrusters
20 Devil Press
800m run
20 Devil Press
40 DB Thrusters
60 DB Lunges
80 Wallballs (#10/6)
100 Cal Bike

CrossFit Strength:
Part 1: 15 min
Every 1.5 min for 8 sets, Alt:
Set 1: 5-7 Strict press 70%
Set 2: 5-7 Double KTB Paused Front Squats
(3 sec pause at the bottom every rep)

Part 2: 10 min
3 sets:
1 set Unbroken Strict pull ups/Chin ups (no weight)
1 min rest
3 sets:
1 set Unbroken Strict Ring Dips
1 min rest

Part 3: Heavy Metcon
10 min EMOM, Alt:
1- 30m Sandbag carry
2- 10 Double KTB Front rack Reverse lunges 2x24/16 kg