Sunday - 300723

CrossFit WOD:

Every 1:00 x 12:00

  1. 5-10 Strict Pull ups weighted or banded
  2. 10-12 Z-press with DB
  3. 30sec Hollow hold

For Time:
400m run
4 rounds
25 Push ups
20 V-ups
10 Bar Muscle ups
400m run
16:00 TC


Every 6:00 X 6 Rounds
400m Run
20 Dual KTB DL- 24/16kg
20 Sit ups

CrossFit Strength:

Every 1:00 x 9:00

  1. 10-12 Biceps curls
  2. 20 Russain Twists with DB
  3. Zombie Squats x 8-12 light to medium weight

Front Squats
Every 3:00 x 15:00
5 reps each set
Build to heavy 5's
2sec Pause at bottom of each rep

Heavy Metcon
Amrap 7
5 Thrusters 60/40kg
10 Toes to bar