Sunday - 250623

CrossFit WOD:
20min build up load for an RM1 or practice technique under light load

3 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
10 DB Devil-Press
20 DB Overhead Lunges (#22.5/15,x1)

EMOM for 36min:
1 - Max Cal Bike
2 - 15 Burpees
3 - Max Cal Row
4 - 15 V-Ups
5 - Max Double Unders
6 - 15 Pushups

CrossFit Strength:
Part 1- 20 min
6 sets:
5-5-5-3-3-3 RDL
Start with 70% and Build up to Heavy set of 3 Deadlift!

Part 2- 8 min
3 sets:
7 Double KTB Z-press
7-10 KTB Push ups

Part 3- Heavy Metcon
3 Rounds:
2 min work, 1 min rest
15 Double KTB Front squat
45m Farmer carry
Max Strict pull ups in the remaining time
RX- 2x24/16 kg