Sunday - 180623

CrossFit WOD:
Paused Back Squat
*2sec Pause at the bottom of each rep

AMRAP in 18min of:
Row 250/200m
8 Deadlifts (#100/70)
8 Burpees
16 V-Ups

2 Rounds for time:
Run 1200m
90 Jump Squats
60 KB SDHP (#24/16)
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs

CrossFit Strength:
Part 1:
5 sets:
5 Front Squats 65-70%
30 sec weighted plank hold
1 min rest

Part 2:
3 sets:
8/8 Half Kneeling Landmine Press
5-7 weighted pull ups

Part 3- Heavy metcon
For time:
40 Double DB Box step up over
*Every min: 6 DB Renegade Row (Start on 00:00)

RX- #22.5/15,x2
Time cap: 7 min