Saturday - 301119


AMRAP in 4min:
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Max Cal Row in remaining time

Rest 3min

AMRAP in 4min:
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Max Power Cleans (#80/55) in remaining time

Rest 3min

AMRAP in 4min:
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Max Toes-to-bar in remaining time

-High hang pull + snatch
(60%) 3/3+1
(65%) 3/2+1
(70%) 2/2+1

-Clean + Hang clean
(60%) 3/1+2
(70%) 2/1+2
(75%) 2/1+1
(80%) 2/1+1

-Tempo clean pull
Start (60%) 8×1 ascending weight

A. In Pairs:
5min to accumulate max weight in Deadlift.
-1 Barbell
-Choose your weight
-You can reduce weight but not increase

B. In Pairs:
AMRAP in 10min of:
100 DB Cleans (sync)
60 Toes-to-bar (sync)
100 Wallball shots (one by one)

C. As a team:
800m Worm Carry
E2MOM Stop and do:
1: 10 Worm Thrusters
2: 10 Worm Cleans
3: 10 Burpees Over Worm

*Only 6 athletes at a time with the worm, switch as needed