Saturday - 280718

EMOM for 15min:
1: Max Strict C2B Pullups
2: 20sec Ring Support
3: Rest

5 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
15 Overhead Squats (#43/30)

A. Row Technique

B. 6 Rounds:
24 Squat
24 pushups
24 walking lunges
Run 400

A. Gymnastics complex:
EMOM for 8min:
1 Toes-to-bar
1 Pullup
1 C2B
1 Bar MU
1 C2B
1 Pullup
1 Toes-to-bar
*try to go as smooth as possible without breaking a set if you can.

B. CrossFit Games 2011 event #4:
For time:
5 Rope Climbs
5 Clean and Jerks (#65/50)
4 Rope Climbs
4 Clean and Jerks (#75/55)
3 Rope Climbs
3 Clean and Jerks (#85/60)
2 Rope Climbs
2 Clean and Jerks (#90/65)
1 Rope Climbs
1 Clean and Jerk (#100/70)

C. For time:
300 Double Unders
*On every break:
Sprint 200m