Saturday - 240916

Accumulate 4min Plank
40m Farmer carry for every drop (#30/15)

3 Rounds for time:
Stairs run + 10 Burpees on top
21-15-9 G2OH (#40/30)

In pairs, split reps as needed
10 Rounds:
Run 400 m together
25 kb swings
25 box jumps
25 burpees

2M 2F in a team:
M1: 6x10m Shuttle Run
M1: 21 Pistols
M2: 6x10m Shuttle Run
M2: 21 Pistols
Both M: 21 Deadlifts (160kg)
F1: 6x10m Shuttle Run
F1: 21 Pistols
F2: 6x10m Shuttle Run
F2: 21 Pistols
Both F: 21 Deadlifts (120kg)
M1 + F1: 21 Sync'd over-the-bar Burpees
M2 + F2: 21 Sync'd over-the-bar Burpees
M1 + F1: 21 Sync'd Pullups
M2 + F2: 21 Sync'd Pullups

Rest 5min and do another round of everything.