Saturday - 121019

CrossFit Open Workout 20.1
10 Rounds for time:
8 Ground to overhead (#43/30)
10 Bar facing burpees
15min timecap

-Tempo overhead squat 5 sec'
(50%) 1×8

-Hang snatch
(60%) 3×3
(65%) 3×2
(70%) 2×2
(75%) 1×2
(80%) 1×1

-Tempo snatch pull 5 sec'
Start (60%) 1×8 (ascending weight

A. Open Workout 20.1

B. 5 Rounds for time:
20 Cal Row
1 Legless L-Rope Climbs
*Wear a 10/9kg vest

C. Death by Tripple Unders (10min cap)
If you fail to do one, practice for 10min