Saturday - 120817

Rope Climb

In teams of 3
For max reps at each station in 5 Minutes
Rest 1 minute between each station:
Toes to bar
Row for calories
Rope climbs
10 Meter KB Front rack lunges (#24/16, x2)

Amrap in 35 Min:
400 Meter Run
10 Pullups
15 Kettlebell Swings (#24/16)
20 Box Jumps
25 Cal Row

For time:
10 Clean & Jerk @ 50%
8 Clean & Jerk @ 60%
6 Clean & Jerk @ 65%
4 Clean & Jerk @ 70%
2 Clean & Jerk @ 75%
*All reps have to be UNBROKEN TnG reps, if you break a set = do it again. Power Clean is allowed.

E2MOM for 10m - without coming off rings between reps:
2-4 Toes To Rings
2-4 Hip To Ring Swings
2-4 Ring Muscle Ups
2-4 Ring Dips

3 Rounds For Time:
3 Legless Rope Climbs
6 Push Jerks (#80/50)
12 Deadlifts (#80/50)
24 GHD-Sit Ups
48 Wall Balls (#10/6)

For time:
Run 1200m
180 Double Unders
Wearing a 10/6kg vest