Saturday - 090219

For max reps:
EMOM for 10min:
Even: Max Hang Power Cleans (#50/35)
Odd: 7 Toes-to-bar, 7 Pushups, 7 Squats

REST 3min

EMOM for 10min:
Even: Max Front Squats (#50/35)
Odd: 7 Toes-to-bar, 7 Pushups, 7 Squats

REST 3min

EMOM for 10min:
Even: Max Jerks (#50/35)
Odd: 7 Toes-to-bar, 7 Pushups, 7 Squats

A. Pause Hang Cleans
Pause for 3sec at the top of the knee

B. 4 Sets for max reps:
Against a 2min running clock:
25/18 cal Row
Max Hang Squat Snatches on remaining time
*Rest 2min between sets and change weights

Set 1: #70/45
Set 2: #60/40
Set 3: #50/35
Set 4: #40/30

C. TABATA Hollow Hold
*when you fail switch to 10/20 work/rest