Saturday - 081016

Split Jerk

AMRAP in 20min of:
5 Clean and Jerks (#70/45)
10 Toes-to-bar
Rest 30sec

10min EMOM:
10 KB Swings

-2min rest

10min EMOM:
15 Wallballs

-2min rest

10min EMOM:
20 Pushups

A. Snatch

  1. work up to a heavy Muscle Snatch
  2. work up to a heavy Snatch Balance
  3. work up to a heavy Snatch

B. Clean Complex
work up to a heavy set of:
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean (above knees) + Hang Squat Clean (below knees)

C. 21-15-9:
Dead Lifts (#102/70)
400m Run