Saturday - 071219

Snatch Balance
*Focus on speed under the bar

AMRAP in 15min:
9 Box Jumps
6 Pullups
3 Overhead Squats (#60/40)
*Add 1 OHS every round

-Split jerk practice

-front squat+split jerk.
Ascending weight/ starts with (60%) 9×1+

A. Strict Gymnastics practice:
For quality:
00:00 - 10:00
15sec Free standing handstand hold
2 Strict Ring Muscle-ups

10:00 - 20:00
1 Pegboard Ascend
15m HS Walk

B. For max reps:
AMRAP 5min:
Buy in - 700m Row
7 Squat Cleans (#52/38)
25 Double Unders

Rest 5min

AMRAP 5min:
Buy in - 500m Row
5 Squat Cleans (#61/43)
25 Double Unders

Rest 5min

AMRAP 5min:
Buy in - 300m Row
3 Squat Cleans (#75/52)
25 Double Unders

C. 400m Sandbag Carry (bear hug)
AHAP with as little breaks as possible