Saturday - 020219

Tempo Pullups @3330
*add weight if possible or scale down as needed

3 Rounds:
On a running clock for 5min:
Run 400m
20 DB Weighted Step-ups (#20/10, x2)
AMRAP DB Push-Press on remaining time
*Rest 2min between rounds

A. Fat bar Deadlift - Find RM1

B. Dubai Championship 18.2 qualifier:
(15min time cap)
Part A:
4 Rounds for time:
8m Front rack Lunges (#50/35)
8 Bar facing Burpees
8m Front rack Lunges (#50/35)
8 Bar facing Burpees
8 Bar Muscle-ups

Part B:
Once the 4 rounds are completed, use the remaining time to find max weight of the following complex:
1 Hang Clean + 2 Front Squats (3 successful unbroken reps)

Athletes may only use one barbell for Part A and Part B.

C. In teams of 3:
300cal Assault bike for time
1 works
1 sandbag bearhug (#60/45)
1 rest