Monday - 210817

Medicine Ball Clean

For time:
21 Push Jerks (#60/40)
30 Med-ball Cleans (#10/6)
15 Push Jerks
30 Med-ball Cleans
9 Push Jerks
30 Med-ball Cleans

In Pairs:
AMRAP in 7min:
Hollow rocks
One works while the other is in a plank, switch as you like.

In teams of 3:
Row max distance in 32 Min
Only one is rowing at the time
One of the team mates do :
Emom for 32 min:
10 Burpee Box Jumps
Other team mate do:
Emom for 32 min :
10 KB Deadlift + 15 KB Swings (#20/12)

Switch as you like.