Friday - 291223

CrossFit WOD:
E1.5MOM for 15min (alternating):
1 - 5 Barbell Bent-Over Rows
2 - 5 Dual DB Z-Press

AMRAP in 15min of:
Run 400m
Max Unbroken Ring Dips

3 Rounds of:
5\5 Cossack Squats
5\5 pistols
5 Active ring German hangs
10 plate bend over shoulder ext. 10 sec static hold at the bottom of the last rep
3 Rounds of:
5\5 ATG split squat
3-5 Arch Scap pulling 3 sec hold at top
8 jefferson Curls
Cash out:
5 min AMRAP
5\5 1arm KB overhead squats (16\24)
5 Burpee over the KB
10 v-ups

Part 1:
7 sets:
2 Tall snatch

Part 2:
Power Snatch (low catch)
Pausing Hang Squat Snatch
7 x 1+1 55-65%
5 x 0+1 70-85%
+Pause 3 sec at knee level

Part 3:
Power Clean
Squat Clean (TnG)
8 x 1+1+1 65-80%
6 x 1+1+0 80-90%
*From Power Clean

Part 4:
Front squat
6 min EMOM:
6 Front squat 65%