Friday - 240524
CrossFit WOD:
20min Handstands practice
For time:
15-12-9 Devil-Press (#22.5/15,x2)
12-9-6 Ring Muscle-ups
50 Double Unders
Part 1:
6-7 sets:
1 Muscle Snatch
1 Drop Snatch
Part 2:
Snatch Deadlift
Below the knee Hang Squat snatch
5 x 1+2 60%
5 x 1+1 70%
3 x 1+1 80-85%
Part 3:
Clean Pull
Squat Clean
5 x 1+2 60%
5 x 1+1 70%
3 x 1+1 80-85%
Part 4:
1 Pausing Jerk - 5 sec pause at the dip
1 Jerk
3 x 70%
3 x 80%