Friday - 220923

CrossFit WOD
4 Sets
5 Strict HSPU - Build to deficit
30sec Hanging L-Sit Hold
12:00 TC

For Time:

Buy in: 800m Run
3 Rounds:
7 Ring Muscle Ups
15 Box Jumps
7 Thrusters 60/40kg
Cash Out: 800m Run

25:00 TC

Ring Muscle Up

Drill 1 (Partners )
2-3 sets
P.1 10 rows to sternum *false grip all the time
P.2 12 heel pikes to bridge *Shoot your legs straight forward not up
Drill 2
2-3 sets
Negatives from support to floor
Drill 3
2-3 sets
3-5 ring transitions on toes
Drill 4
2-3 sets
P1. 3-5 ring kip swing
P2. Hips to low rings
Drill 5
3-4 sets
Hips to rings
Practice RMU Scaled
Box / Banded

CrossFit Weightlifting:
Part 1:
5 sets:
3 High hang squat snatch - pause 2 sec at the dip every rep

Part 2:
Snatch Deadlift
Hang squat snatch
4 x 1+2 60%
4 x 1+1 65-70%
4 x 0+1 75-85%

Part 3:
Clean pull
Squat Clean
4 x 1+2 65-75%
4 x 1+1 80-85%
3 x 0+1 90-95%

Part 4:
Dip & Drive
Split Jerk
4 x 1+2 65-70%
4 x 1+1 75-80%