Friday - 210723

CrossFit WOD:
Overhead Squats

6 Rounds for max reps:
2min AMRAP:
38 Double Unders
12 Pushups on DBs
Max DB Hang Squat Cleans on the remaining of the 2min (#22.5/15,x2)
*Rest 1min between amraps

Part 1:
Snatch Balance
6-7 sets:
2 Snatch Balance

Part 2:
1 Snatch Pull
1 Hang Squat Snatch (below the knee)
5 x 1+2 65-70%
5 x 1+1 75-80%
3 x 0+1 85-90%
*Pause 3 sec at the catch

Part 3:
Power Clean (low catch)
Squat Clean
5 x 1+1 65-70%
5 x 1+1 75-80%
3 x 0+1 85-95% - work on bounce at the catch

Part 4:
6-7 sets:
2 Split Jerk

Part 5:
Snatch Deadlift
4 x 3 95%
3 x 2 100%