Friday - 191121

15min build up load for the complex:
Power Snatch + Overhead Squats (1+2)

For max reps:
6min Cap:
Row 800m (or 48cal Bike), Then max rep squat clean and jerks (#60/40)

1 minute rest

6min Cap:
Row 800m then max rep power snatches (#60/40)

1 minute rest

6min Cap:
Row 800m then max rep front rack lunges (#60/40)


  1. HSPU (Strict/Kipping)
  2. Ring Dips (Support/Strict/Kipping)

-Snatch pull up to knee
(70%) 3×8

-Snatch pull with pause above knee
(70%) 2×6

-Snatch pull
(70%) 2×4

-Squat Snatch
1×8 increasing weight