Friday- 180823

CrossFit WOD
In 16:00
Build To Heavy Set:
8-12 Glute Bridge Floor Press with Dual DB's
8-12 Gorila Rows with Dual DB's

4 Rounds
8 Devil's Press w/ 2DB's 22.5/15kg
15 Toes To Bar
60 Double Unders/ 120 Singles

20:00 TC

Part 1
5-6 sets:
2 High Hang Power Snatch

דגש על משיכה גבוהה וכניסה מהירה מתחת למוט

Part 2
Snatch pull
Snatch- pause 2 sec at the bottom
5 x 1+2 60-65%
5 x 1+1 70-75%
3 x 0+1 80-85%

Part 3
High Hang squat clean
Hang squat Clean
4 x 1+1+2 60-70%
4 x 0+1+2 75-80%
4 x 0+1+1 80-85%

Part 4
Clean Pull
4 x 3 95%
3 x 2 100%